Clarity Safety Consulting

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I was at the local Starbucks yesterday with a friend when I came across, The Way I See It #236 - "Scientists tell us we only use 5% of our brains. But if they only used 5% of their brains to reach that conclusion, then why should we believe them?"

This extreme wisdom explains the debates on such scientific issues as Evolution, Global Warming and the constant barrage of studies that say one food is good for you and then bad and then good and then, who cares. Eating nothing but chocolate bars will shorten your life span, however eating nothing at all will kill you faster. So what is healthier junk food or dieting. According to 5% of my brain - stick with the chocolate bars. I would love to hear from 5% of your brain.


Scott said...

Whether i eat good or bad foods in my lifetime wont make a difference will it? I mean when its my time, or rather God's time for me to go, won't it be then and only them that i will die?

The way i see it is many people who don't smoke die from Lung Cancer, and many people who do smoke die from natural causes. To say that eating a few chocolate bars or cans of coke or milk is going to shorten my lifespan is foolish. And if it does who cares, i mean Heaven will be so much cooler anyways, and the food i eat wont kill me there!

Brad said...

I think the constantly changing dieting fads is a pop cultural phenomenon and not a scientific phenomenon.

The Canadian Food Guide has stayed virtually unchanged for years with only minor changes made year-to-year.

All this flip-flopping on stuff like carbs, red meat, etc. is merely pop culture fads.

Of course, if we get into stuff like preservatives and MSG, etc. its a bit of a different story. Many of the effects of these foodstuffs have long term effects that may have not immediately been identified.

And for Scott: Maybe all these non-smokers getting lung cancer is a result from horrible air quality due to polluting the environment, no?

Scott said...

I'm pretty sure a lot of it is hereditary for the most part.

Gregg said...

I like to use something like this thought with cosmic humanists. When ppl say we evolved by complete chance ect. Or those that question reality and such. If this is the case, if we exist by chance or if reality isn't real how then can we believe in our own thoughts. I mean let's believe for a second that we all came to be by complete chance. If this is the case how can we know that our complex set of equations and theorys aren't flawed. If we were created threw evolution over time how do we not know if what we say is merely a misconception of reality. Does that make any sense?????