Clarity Safety Consulting

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hey check out this article!

1 comment:

the upper room said...

hey greg,

i think that the article is right on. discipleship is not merely giving people the right answers to their questions about god. It is not just a weekly get together where we discuss the holy spirit and his relevance in biblical times or the life of the church. in our 'modern' context, where so much of what we think about revolves around words and logic, i think we have dissolved discipleship down to a setp by step program where we make sure people get the right words into their minds so that they think the right thoughts. discipleship has been reduced to knowing stuff. discipleship is actually asking the question; 'what does it mean to follow jesus?' not just knowing stuff, but living stuff. 'what does it mean for me to really follow jesus.' that is a question i have been asking myself for the last year and a bit. (i'm not entirely sure that i am any closer to the answer than i was a year ago, but i think we are heading in the right direction) a friend of mine often says 'i don't know what i'm running to, but i know what i'm running from.' i think that when it comes to the idea of discipleship, i can see the areas where we have strayed from the ideal of jesus. i can also see what we are running to...people who truly 'follow' jesus. the trick is interpreting that in our modern context. what does it mean to follow jesus in the osborne village? what does it mean to follow jesus this christmas season? these are questions we need to be asking...and our lives, not just our words, should be revealing the answers.
peace to you,