Clarity Safety Consulting

Saturday, December 01, 2007

National Youth Workers Conference – Day 3

Wow has this conference ever gone fast. The weather in Vancouver today consisted of snow. The conference has been great so far. Today I attended a seminar by Mark Buchanan. It was all about Sabbath and rest. He used the analogy of your boss coming to you and saying you have worked enough go home and let me do your work tomorrow. Would you take your boss up on his offer, of course you would. This what God does for us every week and yet many of us don’t accept his offer. He said this is not a work ethic issue but a faith issue. Don’t you have enough faith to let the creator of universe cover you? Ouch!

They are planning on doing this conference again next year in Toronto. No other details so far.

1 comment:

the upper room said...

hey greg,
we just finished talking about the sabbath rest last sunday at the upper room. we talked about how jesus healed on the sabbath..and broke the rules...interesting that the very next day he went up on the mountainside to pray and recharge.
i think that we need sabbath more than we realize. we neglect it too often. god gave us the sabbath for our own good.
i have since started the practice of beginning my day when i lay down to sleep. (how hebrew of me...) that way, god works while i rest...then when i get up i join him in what he is already been doing.
peace to you,